‘Avatar’ Is Returning to IMAX Theaters‘Avatar’ Is Returning to IMAX TheatersYou are on Pandora!Matt SingerMatt Singer
The Beatles’ Rooftop Concert Gets IMAX ReleaseThe Beatles’ Rooftop Concert Gets IMAX ReleaseThe 60-minute feature will also feature Peter Jackson Q&A.Matt SingerMatt Singer
Marvel To Start Streaming Movies in IMAX on Disney+Marvel To Start Streaming Movies in IMAX on Disney+The expanded IMAX frame is coming to Disney+ streaming.Matt SingerMatt Singer
Star Wars Will Hog IMAXStar Wars Will Hog IMAXIf you want to see a movie on an IMAX screen you better do it now. The new Star Wars movie has booked every IMAX screen in North America later this year.Jen AustinJen Austin