We've got another month of the coldest winter weather in the Treasure Valley, and then we'll be out of the woods and it will start warming up. And what about snowfall?
If it hasn't hit you, there's no doubt someone in your home, workplace, or circle of friends has probably been down with the flu this year, and it's more sever than usual.
If you see a scarf hanging on a tree outside around Boise, or even inside the mall on one of those Christmas trees, it's no accident.
There's meaning behind the scarves left lying around town, and those who find them "fitting" can keep them.
There's a bright side to all of the snow and cold weather. We can skip the gym because we're burning extra calories just by shivering. Good, cuz the roads are bad and we can't get to the gym anyway!
I came home from work today to find my baby, Cooper, a tad bit under the weather. His nose was so stuffed, he was breathing heavy from his mouth. I had so much work to still get done, but of course baby comes first. He wouldn’t go to anyone else or let me go for the life of him. It b
It always happens this time of year. The weather outside gets hotter, and the temperature inside stores and office buildings gets freezing cold. But did you hear one big box store is going to raise the thermostat one degree? Woohoo! Said women.