I'm a big reader. My fondest childhood memories are of my Mama reading to me and I have vowed to instill a love of reading into my children as well. It's worked great with one child, not so much with the other. Nevertheless, I love this idea of getting books into the hands of kids.
I've gotten a little more reading done while in quarantine these last two months. Some of it is grazing, but I thought I'd share my favorites right now. I'm a sucker for a good book, the hardbound kind, because I'm old fashioned like that.
You've got enough on your calendar without having to add reminders to take books back to the library, and now you truly don't have to worry about it. The Boise Public Library has gone fine free.
As my daughter was reading her favorite book series one night last week she stumbled upon a huge error. She scratched out a note on a paper towel so she would remember where she left off when she discovered it.