The 'Seated Lincoln' at Julia Davis Park was vandalized over the weekend. The vandals tossed paint, signs, and political messages. What is this really about?
We are just months away from the election, days from multiple debates and the division is everywhere. Are we making mistakes bringing this to work and school? Is it okay to wear your politics into the workplace and school?
If you're looking for Palmetto Cheese don't go to Costco because they've pulled it from shelves. The owner of the popular cheese made some comments about Black Lives Matter that sparked outrage and getting removed.
The Black Lives Matter event scheduled for a protest at Boise City Hall has been moved. This event has gained statewide attention for its potential to turn violent. People are being asked to stay home.
I'll be the first one to admit that I've been pretty naive about what black people have gone through in history. Having been raised in predominatelly white Salt Lake City, and now living in Boise, it's an issue that I haven't been as educated on as I should be and I've made a vow to change that. These movies have taught me a lot in the wake of the George Floyd murder and the Black Lives Matter movement.
There's a lot of hate and negativity in this world right now and of course the obvious divide between liberals and conservatives, republicans and democrats, but when was the last time you tried to understand the opposing side's experience?
This is what our float ended up looking like. We never did a final product picture cuz we though we would be able to today smh
— Queen N'nandii✨ (@_nnandiicole) October 16, 2016
A homecoming float built to raise awareness of the Black Lives Matter movement was vandalized.
They had...