With April Fool's Day tomorrow, watch out for the tricks and pranks today at the office.
Twenty-five percent of workers are willing to risk getting fired to pull one over on you at work.
Seeing how it's April Fools Day, more than likely this is a bit. Taylor Swift who is usually graceful and elegant in just about everything that she does, decided that she would jump in on the foolish fun. You decide is T. Swift taking a staged fall, or was this a real spill
In case you missed it, Mike and Nicole pranked our twelve listeners again this morning for April Fools day with Movie Trivia. This year some of our listeners were in on the prank
APRIL FOOLS! Katie falling down a flight of stairs was just one of the many April Fools pranks played across America, including on the Mike & Kate showgram. (There is no cosmetic surgical center for ugly babies). Take a listen to Mike and Kate's prank plus see Katie fall down the stairs and some of the more creative pranks that played out across TV, and social media including Katie's fall t
Many of you were fired up this morning after hearing a commercial for the Early Life Cosmetic Center that specializes in plastic surgery for ugly babies. Mike & I investigated.
One of our guilty pleasures every year is to come up with a way to punk our listeners (and my wife) on April Fools. We've Tattooed babies, fines for smoking in cars, blowed out phone lines, Steroids for kids, and more fun and hi-jinks. This years was very subtle, but probably one of our most successful, because of how easy it was to pull off and how many of you fell for it, Take a listen to the re