Loving Your Pet Class For Kids Being Held in Boise
This is going to be a fun event especially for the kiddos as the Idaho Humane Society and Ada County 4-H are hosting the "Loving Your Pet" class for kids. Taking place on Friday, February 15th from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Idaho Humane Society located at 4775 West Dorman Street in Boise.
The event is geared toward kids in Kindergarden through 6th grade, but all children are welcome to join in on the fun. This is not the type of class where you have to show up early, join in at anytime throughout the event as your schedule allows.
During the event there will be door prizes, games, activities, and a variety of animals on display thanks to 4-H.
Class cost is only $3 per person and benefits the Idaho Humane Society as well as the 4-H. You can purchase your tickets in advance and get more information about the link just click here.