How many times have we all dreamed of catching the big one? No, we're not describing winning the lottery, although that would be nice. Who has yet to dream of catching a big fish, regardless of your background? Books, radio shows, podcasts, television shows, and countless other platforms have been dedicated to capturing a record-breaking fish.

It may be time for the fishing gurus to take a trip to Idaho to interview Joey Walton on how to catch a record small mouth bass. According to Idaho Fish and Game, Mr. Walton had been looking to catch a record small mouth bass for months. Unlike many of us, who stayed inside during the freezing and snow-filled December, the Idahoan went looking for the big fish.

Dworshak Reservoir was the location where Mr. Walton's new catch-and-release state record instead. His dedication paid off as he caught 23.75-inch giant small mouth bass. Once he took a few photos and used a measuring board, he released the fish into the waters.

Photo Courtesy of Joey Walton Idaho Fish and Game
Photo Courtesy of Joey Walton Idaho Fish and Game

How Did He Do It?

Mr. Walton's dedication to his fishing has to be recognized. Most of us cannot imagine why someone would spend time fishing when most folks are inside with a hot chocolate, skiing, sledding, or ice skating in our state. Another element that helped him was that he's an experienced fisherman. Mr. Walton told Idaho Fish and Game that he had been looking for a record-setting fish for quite some time. That experience, knowing where to set the hook, paid off for him.

Congratulations Joey!



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