A dad hopes to help kids, just like his daughters, understand that the photos of models in magazines and on billboards aren't what they look like in real life. Because kids don't have the ability to understand what they are seeing, his mission is to require ads be labeled weather or not the images have been drastically altered. It's not looking like anyone is ready for that kind of truth. 


Seth Matlins, father of two and former advertising exec, has approached Dove to make 'Real Beauty' more real by disclosing when images are drastically altered. He chose to contact the company due to the fact that they have been leading the 'Real Beauty' cause for 10 years.


The problem: Images are still being altered. So, will Dove take it to the next level and jump on board to support Matlin's campaign? A Change.org petition has been started.


A response from Dove:

"When the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty launched in 2004, we made a commitment to all women that we would not distort any of our images to create an unrealistic view of beauty. Dove takes great care to realistically portray women by accurately depicting their natural shape, size, skin color and age, thereby representing them as they genuinely are."


As far as addressing labeling photos - not a word.


Read the full story HERE.


Your thoughts? Is this a losing battle or do you think this dad has a case worth fighting for?





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