
Idaho Wants Moms to Quit Smoking, Giving Incentives with Freebees
Idaho Wants Moms to Quit Smoking, Giving Incentives with Freebees
Idaho Wants Moms to Quit Smoking, Giving Incentives with Freebees
Happy Mothers Day to all the mamas out there! The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare along with support from Project Filter want Idaho mothers to be as healthy as possible. Starting today, Idaho Mothers can receive up to a year's worth of free diapers and wipes to quit using tobacco. That is at least $1000 in savings over the year.
When Is The Right Time To Have A Baby?
When Is The Right Time To Have A Baby?
When Is The Right Time To Have A Baby?
I'm 34 and getting married to my 30 year old fiancé in two weeks. We talk a lot about when the right time to start having kids is, but is there a right time to have a baby?
Fertility Tests: Do You Do It BEFORE Trying?
Fertility Tests: Do You Do It BEFORE Trying?
Fertility Tests: Do You Do It BEFORE Trying?
I never thought I'd even ask such a question but at 33, and my fiance being 30, we've decided we'd like to plan to start "trying" for kids late next year. "Trying", a nice way of telling the world you plan to have lots of sex!
Baby Fever Is Real!
Baby Fever Is Real!
Baby Fever Is Real!
And I have proof! My fiance Stacy, who turned 30 in January, has officially hit PEAK baby fever!
Mike and Nicole’s OPP: An Ex Carrying My Baby
Mike and Nicole’s OPP: An Ex Carrying My Baby
Mike and Nicole’s OPP: An Ex Carrying My Baby
Dear Mike and Nicole, My husband and I found out that we cannot have a baby because I cannot conceive. We are now looking for a surrogate to be an egg donor and carry our baby. He suggested his ex-wife and she said she would do it. I really don't like the idea and it's extremely awkward to even talk about as an option...
Mike and Nicole's OPP
Mike and Nicole's OPP
Mike and Nicole's OPP
Dear Mike and Nicole, My wife and I have been married for almost 5 years. Ten months ago, she gave birth to our amazing child. Recently, I've been wondering if the child is mine. We're an interracial couple. My wife, who is white, has brown hair and brown eyes...

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