On Other People's Problems, a father found out his daughter's senior pictures have been altered. Is he freaking out for a good reason or is this normal?

OPP-Senior Photos
Maryia Bahutskaya

Mike & Kate-
Question for OPP. My oldest child is a senior. She had her senior pictures done last fall and now my wife and her have been working with the photographer selecting the ones to be used for the yearbook and graduation announcements.
I was looking over the proofs and noticed that our daughter looks a lot slimmer than she actually is. When I asked my wife about this, she said, "Oh, we had them touched up." And that's how the disagreement began. Apparently my daughter is a little self conscious about her weight. I think she is beautiful as is, but thanks to magazines and the internet she doesn't love her body because she is not model skinny. So she and my wife has the photographer basically photo shop her body. My wife doesn't understand the big deal. I think this is sending the wrong message to our daughter. I understand making the resolution brighter or normal touch ups to the photo's resolution but changing out daughter's body size is not right. She needs to love herself as is. My wife claims that I am out of touch and this is what all the girls are doing now thanks to digital photography. I'm curious. Is this what all the senior girls are doing now? Photoshopping themselves to look like someone else? Where do we draw the line? Bigger boobs for our 17 year olds? I find all of this disgusting. Any advice on how I should handle this? Any other dad's feel this way?

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