The leafs are changing and it's getting COLD. Be honest you;ve  walked out side in the morning and though...dang I need a warmer coat. Let me tell you why this is a good thing..It means ski season is right around the corner. If you are looking to get up on to the mountain. Bogus Basin is hiring this winter, are you in. 

Bogus Basin Opening
Digital Vision

Living in Idaho working on a Ski resort seems like it should be just part of the gig. We all have done it once or twice right. Okay well no..I haven't..I'm more of a warm weather beach and ocean person. If you though love the cold, the snow, and the mountain over the next 30 days Bogus Basin will be hiring over 500 new employees. October 29th get ready for that nice job fair that the ski resort opens all the doors and is looking for the cream of the crop to entertain, teach and maintain our beloved Bogus. The JR Simplot Lodge will be open from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM on Saturday. Full time, part time, ski instructors, cooks, etc...all the help is needed. Who's ready to head up to the mountain! - JD

Get your season passes and deals for college students at


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