Idaho witnessed a total solar eclipse in's the last one in Idaho for 151 years, but we still have a lot celestial events to look forward to in Idaho in 2018 including a total lunar eclipse which will take place during a super rare, blue-blood-super moon later this's the first time it's happened in 150 years.

There will be 8 more chances to see a total solar eclipse somewhere in U.S. before 2100...but not here in Idaho. The closest chance to see a total solar eclipse will be in parts of Montana on August 23rd 2044. (Make Plans now...remember how busy Idaho was last year)

The good news is that you have lots of other events to look skyward for in's a calendar of highlights to look forward to in the coming year here in Idaho. (Save it and Refer to it throughout the year)

Jan 2 - 1st full moon
Jan 3/4 - Quadrantids meteor shower
Jan 31 - total lunar eclipse
Jan 31 - full moon/super-moon/blue moon  (Very Rare)
Feb 15 - partial solar eclipse
March 15 - mercury elongation
April 23/24 - Lyrids meteor shower
May 6/7 - eta Aquarids meteor shower
May 9 - Jupiter closest to earth
June 21 - summer solstice (longest day)
June 27 - Saturn closest to earth
July 13 - partial solar eclipse (only at southern Australia and Antarctica
July 27 - total lunar eclipse
July 28/29 - Delta Aquarids meteor shower
Aug 12/13 - Perseids meteor shower
Aug 17 - Venus elongation
Sept 7 - Neptune closest to earth
Oct 8 - Draconids meteor shower
Oct 21/22 - Orionids meteor shower
Oct 23 - Uranus closest to earth
Nov 5/6 - Taurids meteor shower
Nov 17/18 - Leonids meteor shower
Dec 13/14 - Geminids meteor shower
Dec 16 - comet 46p closest to earth
Dec 21 - winter solstice (longest night of the year)

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